Our Projects

We Work Together To Save Humanity
The Hans Foundation has been moving with slow and steady pace, range of its activities and coverage has ever been increasing with the passage of time and need of the hour, the Hans Foundation has decided to continue and strengthen its ongoing activities, the organization has planned to further diversify and intensify its work by initiating programs in more sectors.

Live Project
- 190 III-F Vaishali, Ghaziabad
- Muradnagar
- Kanovani Village, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
- Dhanoli, Main Road, near Mulla ki Piyao, Agra
- Indira Camp-2, near MAX Hospital, New Delhi
- Dharra Village, Agra to Sikahabad Road, Agra
Human Resource Development
The Hans Foundation gives very high priority human resources, as they are the real carrier of the program, a sizable number of groups have been developed in different geographical locations, these groups work closely with the organization, they need to be strengthen in some of the areas like planning, accounts keeping, monitoring, fun raising, material management, marketing, etc, the organization wants to introduce a system where useful program are organization wants to introduce a system where useful programs are organization regularly, such as, exchange visits, input workshops, etc.

Infrastructure Building
The Hans Foundation not given much attention to infrastructure development so far, however. Some production units and livestock units have developed as a by product of the process, but now the times has come to make the development infrastructure accessible to the people in order to sustain the pace of their development, library, community resources center, capacity building center, hostel for boys and girls, formal schools, etc, so that area becomes reasonably autonomous.

The organization has been working for environment up-gradation regularly, the awareness building activities are being carried out. But it is not enough. The organization is planning to take it at a wider level with a wide range of activities.
We are trying bring best possible changes, so that we can create beautiful & healthy environment for our children!!

Issue Based Programs
There are many important issues identified for immediate attention. The issues like AIDS awareness, energy, gender issues, child development have significance for the people and need to be tackled at priority level.
AIDS Awareness:
Delhi being a bog metropolitan is a center of attraction of global tourists, on the other side a large number of population is migrated everywhere, it has made and surrounding area highly prone to AIDS, hence awareness is the need of the time at every level.
Alternative sources of energy need to be stressed upon at each family level such as solar energy, this will not only provide safe and cheap sources of energy but also save time of the people, which can be utilized for other productive works.
Gender Issues:
The Hans Foundation has special concern for the women and all of its activities have inclination towards them, result of the same is visible in the project area but miles to go before attaining the desired level, the organization shall go further for harmonizing the relation between both of the sexes, the falling ratio of girls is a serious issue in the area, hence the work of Hans Foundation for women section is a part of gender sensitization program in general.
Child Development:
Childrens are our hope and future of the nation depends upon the kind of child develop, children are most sufferer of the ignorance of parents and in-affectivity of the system. The Hans Foundation shall focus on child development considering its needs of education, health, nutrition, shelter, etc. on priority.

The organization has development small network of its groups and shares its experiences and wisdom within that vicinity, of late the Hans Foundation has planned to become part of a wider network at national & international levels to accelerate pace of its development process. Hence linkages are being developed with more resource agencies for enriching technical and financial based required for the planned programs.